Health & Safety.
MIRO take health and safety very seriously and we rigorously enforce our health and safety policy.
- Our H&S Policy document will be maintained on site. All visitors will be required to sign in and wear appropriate PPE.
- All on-site personnel will be inducted and sign to confirm that.
- Regular toolbox talks will be given to update all personnel on site developments.
- Any task deemed to involve an element of risk will require a task analysis to be lodged prior to those works commencing.
- Any accidents will be recorded in the site accident book.
- The removal of Asbestos
We understand the importance of asbestos removal.
Asbestos Removal is the removing of any asbestos-containing materials such as sprayed asbestos coatings, asbestos insulation or asbestos lagging from a building.
This will be removed by a licensed asbestos contractor, notified to ‘Worksafe” and the relevant paperwork completed.
- Police Vetted
All employees, subcontractors and any other persons are police vetted to comply with the schools/clients.
- Security
All tools and equipment are locked away at the end of every working day.
Fencing is installed to stop any unauthorized members from gaining access.
Covid-19 update
We are working under the new
COVID-19 Protection Framework traffic light system.
For more detailed information regarding site protocols please go to:
COVID-19 Protection Framework (